Global development indicators are the premium compilation of world’s data on development. It is an accumulation of relevant and internationally comparable statistics about development and fight against poverty. The data of many indicators goes back more than 50 years. The world development indicators contain databases of 217 economies and more than 40 country groups. The data themes are:

1. Economy- income, economic structure, growth, trade, labour productivity.

2. Poverty and inequality – consumption, poverty, prosperity, income, distribution.

3. People – health, education, labour gender, population dynamics.

4. States and markets – stock markets, business, military, transport, communication, technology.

5. Environment – climate change, agriculture, biodiversity, energy, water.

6. Global links – trade, aid dependency, debt, refugee, tourism, migration.



The global competitive index combines macroeconomics and micro/business aspects of competitiveness into a single index. This report analyses the ability of countries to provide high levels of prosperity to their citizens. The report ranks the world’s nations on the global competitiveness index since 2004. The executive opinion survey is a part of the report, it is the survey of a representative sample of business leaders in their respective countries.  The report has 12 pillars of competitiveness and they are appropriate infrastructure, institutions, good health and primary education, stable macroeconomic framework, efficient good markets, efficient labour Markets, higher education and training, development financial markets, ability to harness existing technology, market size, innovation, and production of new goods with the sophisticated production process.

Agency: The Institute of Management and development.

Top Ranking country:  Denmark

 India is in the 37th rank out of 63 countries.


There are three key dimensions of human development and the Human development index measures the key dimensions of human development. The first one is a long and healthy life, which is measured by life expectancy. The second one is a decent standard of living and it is measured by gross National Income per capita which is adjusted to the price level of the country. And the third one is Access to Education. Access to education is measured by the expected years of schooling of children and mean years of schooling of the adult population.

Agency: Human Development Report Office of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Top ranking country: Norway

India’s rank in HDI 2022 is 132 out of 190 countries.


Global environment performance index is a global rating system and ranks in accordance with the environmental health. The Environment performance index identifies issues and understands effective policy methods. It was launched in 2002.

Agency: World Economic Forum.

Top ranking country: Denmark

India’s rank in EPI is 180 out of 180 countries.


World happiness index contains articles and ranking of national happiness. It is based on the respondents rating their own lives. It evaluates more than 150 countries worldwide. It is written by a group of individual experts acting in their personal capacities.

Agency: United Nations sustainable development solutions network.

Top ranking country: Finland

India has ranked 136th out of 146 countries in the world happiness report 2022.


Global hunger index is a tool which attempts to measure and track hunger globally. It is also done by region and by country prepared by European NGOs of concern worldwide and Welt Hunger Hilfe. It is calculated annually and results appear in report issued in October each year. It is based on four component indicators and they are undernourishment, child wasting, child mortality and child stunting.

Agency: European NGOs of concern worldwide and Welt Hunger Hilfe.

Top ranking country: China

India is ranked 101st out 116 countries and score is 27.5.


This concept of global liveability index means assessing different locations across the world to find out which are having best and worst living conditions. It is an annual report of the world’s most liveable cities across the world. 173 countries are ranked based on the liveability factor. They are ranked considering five broad categories and they are tolerable, acceptable, uncomfortable, undesirable or intolerable.

Agency: Economic Intelligence Unit.

Top ranking country: Vienna

India’s five cities have found place on the list and they are New Delhi at 112th position, Mumbai at 117th position, Chennai at 142nd position, Ahmedabad at 146th position.


Global Gender Gap Index is calculated according to the gender gap between women and men in mainly four key areas and they are education, health, economy and politics. It examines the inequality between men and women in 130 economies.

Agency: The world Economic Forum. 

Top ranking country: Iceland.

India is ranked at 135 out of 146 countries.


Global food security index measures the underlying drivers of food security based on the following factors like availability, affordability, quality, safety, natural resources and resilience. This is done across 113 countries. The index is a dynamic quantitative and qualitative model which is constructed from 28 unique indicators that measure these drivers of food security across developed and developing countries.

Agency: The Economist (British Weekly)

Top ranking country: Finland

India is ranked at 68th position out of 113 countries.


Global start-up ecosystem index is the start-up ecosystem which ranks 100 countries and 1000 cities. It identifies the best places to start a business. In 2022 it had data on start-ups from over 3 million companies across 280 ecosystems.

Agency: StartupBlink

Top ranking country: United States

India ranks globally 3rd out of 105 in Start-up ecosystem.


The commitment to reduce inequality is a ranking of 161 government worldwide so that they will take necessary steps to reduce inequality. The index ranks government based on their actions in three specified areas and they are social spending, taxation and labour.

Agency: Oxfam International and Development Finance International.

Top ranking country: Norway

India is ranked at 123 out of 161 countries.


Global terrorism index is to measure the impact of terrorism. It is analysed by four indicators incidents, fatalities, injuries and property damage. It is a comprehensive investigation of the effects of terrorism on 163 nations, which account for 99.7% of the world’s population.

Agency: Institute of Economics and Peace

Top ranking country: Afghanistan

India is ranked at 12th position out of 163 countries.


Global talent competitiveness index is a comprehensive annual report on how countries and cities grow, attract and retain talent. It was first launched in 2013. It tries to understand the dimension of human capital/talent and its connection to competitiveness.

Agency: INSEAD (Graduate Business School) in partnership with Adecco Group and Google.

Top ranking country: Singapore

India is ranked at 101st among 133 countries.


Global Innovation Index keeps track of the most recent global innovation trends. It is in the context of continuing covid-19 pandemic, war and global supply chain and energy disruptions.

Agency: World Intellectual property Organization

Top ranking country: Switzerland

India is ranked 40th out of 132 countries.


Henley passport index is a global ranking of countries in accordance with the travel freedom enjoyed by the holders of that country’s ordinary passport. It is updated quarterly According to country’s visa policy changes. It covers 227 destinations and 199 passports.

Agency: Henley and partners

Top ranking countries: Japan.

India has been ranked 83rd out of 199 countries.


Climate vulnerability index presents vulnerability of humans to certain climates and changes in climate over the years. It includes exposure to extreme climate and the changes in human sensitivity associated with climate stressors and also the capacity of the country to adapt these climate changes.

Agency: Maplecroft.

Top ranking country: Switzerland

India is ranked 7th out of 59 countries.


Global peace index is for assessing peacefulness. It investigates the extent to which countries are involved in ongoing domestic and international conflicts and evaluates the level of Harmony. Indicators like corruption, crime, militarisation and political stability are taken into account.

Agency: Institute of Economics and peace.

Top ranking country: Iceland

India is ranked at 135 among 163 countries.


World press freedom index is calculated as the degree of freedom available to journalists in 180 countries. It is done by combining the responses of experts to a questionnaire and is mainly targeted at media professionals, lawyers and sociologists.

Agency: The Paris based reporters without borders.

Top ranking country: Norway

India is ranked at 150th position out of 180 countries.


Corruption perception index ranks 180 countries and territories by their corruption in public sectors. It uses a scale from zero – 100 and relies upon 13 independent data sources.

Agency: Transparency International

Top ranking country: Denmark

India is ranked 85 among 180 countries.


Ease of doing business ranks economies from 1 to 190. It is determined by sorting the aggregate ease for doing business scores.

Agency: World Bank Group

Top ranking country: New Zealand

India is ranked at 37th out of 63 countries.


Democratic report is an overview of the global regional trends related to democracy and human rights. The latest report is named as ‘Democratic Report 2022: Autocratisation Changing Nature?’.

Agency: V-Dem Institute at Sweden’s University of Gothenburg.

Top ranking country: Sweden

India is ranked 93rd out of 179.

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